A Successful Summer Fete & Joyce’s 100th Birthday

On Saturday 15th July, Harrier Grange Care Home hosted its first Summer Fete since COVID-19. The activities and admin team have been working hard for the last 3 months to organise an array of fun games and stalls, live entertainment, cakes, crafts, treasure island, and of course our raffle and silent auction!
Unfortunately, due to a freak blip in the weather and some very strong winds, it meant that we had to bring our Fete indoors, but it definitely didn’t stop us from having fun. We had an enormous turnout with donations for both our raffle and our silent auction and we raised a staggering amount of money towards our resident’s fund. The money raised is going towards planning for some extra special, exciting activities in the near future.
We would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who came and supported Harrier Grange Care Home, helping out on the day and contributing their time and effort into making it a truly wonderful event.

Activities are an important part of day-to-day life at Harrier Grange Care Home but every now and again, it’s important to us that we do something that’s just that extra bit special. We were excited to host an event for the community and saw this as a good opportunity to fundraise for future outings and special experiences for our residents. It was also great for creating a sense of community in the home by getting our residents involved with the planning and having their say.
Our residents spent a lot of time in their adult lives being active members of their communities. At Harrier Grange Care Home, we did not want that to change for our residents, and events such as these are a brilliant way to re-engage with that part of their lives as well as create an exciting buzz about the home.
The same can also be said for their relatives; with busy lives, the opportunity to spend time with their families can become more of a challenge due to other commitments, so days like this can be cherished by all.

Celebrating a Special 100th Birthday for our Joyce
There was cause for more celebration this month as it was our resident Joyce's 100th birthday, which is an incredible milestone! We celebrated the day by decorating one of our lounges and invited all her family to celebrate. Our talented Head Chef made a wonderful birthday cake and a delicious spread for everyone, and we all raised a glass in celebration to Joyce and her incredible life! Many happy returns of the day.
It’s not every day someone turns 100, so it’s important to recognise that this is an incredible milestone only achieved by few. We took this opportunity to reflect back on all the achievements Joyce has fulfilled throughout her life and what better way to do that, than to be surrounded by her nearest and dearest, family and friends.
Joyce is a cherished member of the Harrier Grange Care Home community and has many friends both among the residents and staff. So, the opportunity to celebrate her birthday created a real buzz throughout the home. We were all very excited for Joyce to receive her letter from the King, congratulating her on her achievement, and we gathered round to watch her open it.
The community that we have created and the community that we are part of is really appreciated by the whole team here at Harrier Grange Care Home and we look forward to making more wonderful memories together.