Chinese New Year Celebrations

Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year, is the celebration of a new year according to the Chinese lunar calendar. It also symbolises the start of Spring, and celebrations last for 15 days.
The date changes from year to year due to whenever the first new moon occurs. Chinese New Year can fall on any date between the 21st of January and the 20th of February. This year it fell on Tuesday the 1st of February and to celebrate the transition from the year of the Ox to the year of the Tiger, the residents of Harrier Grange received a virtual tour of China.

The tour was projected onto the wall in one of our lounges and staff decorated the room with lanterns as well as putting on a themed display.
As residents watched the tour, they got to learn about China's interesting history and fascinating facts about the country. We also commemorated the day by offering residents and staff treats from this part of the world.

At Harrier Grange Care Home, we think it's important that our residents never stop learning and we find celebrations such as the Chinese New Year a great way to keep the residents stimulated, engaged, and also having fun. Our team is great at coming up with creative activities and entertainment to ensure no two days are the same for our residents.